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A Labyrinth Workshop. Circling Round….Going Deeper

Saturday, September 23
10am to 4pm
St. James' Episcopal Church, Lewistown
Please register early at 406-538-5151 or 406-396-0920

A Labyrinth is not a maze intended to confuse. It is a single path that leads to the center and out again. It is a sacred space set aside for clarity, insight, healing, revelation, peace and Presence.

This workshop will introduce you to the Labyrinth and take you on a journey from “going around in circles” to “circling around” on a path to deeper understanding of yourself and your life journey in the heart of the Divine.  

Please plan to spend the day.  Lunch, drinks and snacks will be provided. Bring an outdoor chair for the last walk, if possible!

The Rev. Brenda McLellan, Certified Labyrinth Facilitator, will lead our workshop.

Questions?  Contact the Rev. Jean Collins at 406-396-0920.

Greetings and Welcome to the Labyrinth!

My name is Brenda McLellan. The name Brenda means “fire…enthusiasm” and that is how I feel when
working with or introducing people to the Labyrinth! I was ordained as an Episcopal priest in 1990 and
served the same loving and supportive 3 congregations of the Elkhorn Area Ministry, in East Helena,
Townsend, and White Sulphur Springs, for 20 years. At a national church conference in the mid-90’s, I
walked my first labyrinth laid out on the floor of Grace Cathedral, San Francisco, which now has 2
permanent labyrinths, both inside and out.
I thought after my first labyrinth walk, “well, that was nice but nothing happened!” But obviously it did!
In 2002 after studying with The Rev. Dr. Lauren Artress, who brought the labyrinth design and creation
to Grace Cathedral, and, in essence, created the labyrinth movement in the US, I became a Certified
Labyrinth Facilitator. In 2003, I worked with Lauren and others as a facilitators for weeklong retreats at
Chartres Cathedral in France….followed by a month-long sabbatical searching out labyrinths and
standing stones in France, England, Ireland, and Scotland. And the journey continues wherever I go.
I have created numerous labyrinths in lawns, on beaches, in fields marked with flags, laid with
fieldstones or gravel, and at least 3 on canvas. I have led workshops and walks in churches, schools and
church camps as far as Cairo, Egypt. In fact the labyrinth I will share with you was created in Cairo!
After my first “nothing happened” response to the labyrinth, my mantra has become, “the labyrinth
always does its work” whether we recognize it or not! I have found the labyrinth to be a soft place to
land in hard times, a healer, grief catcher, spirit lifter, expander of my soul and spirit, a safe place, a
community gatherer, a guide in my questioning, my God-place good-place. What will you find?
I presently live in Helena, Montana, with my 5 children scattered from coast to coast, with 2 in Montana.
I have four grandsons and three amazing and brilliant, of course, great-grandchildren, who call me GiGi.
And I’m loving it!