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Our thirteenth annual observance of the Feast of St. Francis with a blessing of the animals will be held on Sunday, October 1st, at 4:00 p.m. at St. James’.  Registration begins at 3:30 p.m. All types of animals are encouraged to attend.  They must be kept under control and not running loose.  A reception follows in the Parish Hall with animal treats and people food too.  Even if you don't have a  pet, this is an event not to be missed!  After all, when else can you see dogs, cats, turtles, horses, and other creatures of God gathered on church pews and steps worshipping together?  If you have creature loving friends (and who doesn't?!) who would enjoy knowing about this "zoo", please spread the word!  And lastly, if you are interested in helping in any way, please speak with Jean Collins (406-396-0920).